Grace Legal Group

Clearing Your Criminal Record: California Expungements Offer a Fresh Start

Having a criminal record in California can feel like an insurmountable obstacle, affecting your chances of getting a job, a place to live, or a loan. However, there’s good news: California offers a legal remedy that can help you erase or seal your criminal record from public view, giving you a fresh start. In this article, we’ll explore how expungement works, who is eligible for it, and how it can change your life for the better.

What is Expungement?

Expungement is a powerful tool that allows individuals who have been convicted of a crime to petition the court to have their criminal record erased or sealed. If granted, the individual’s criminal record will no longer appear in most background checks, giving them a chance to move forward without the shadow of their past looming over them.

Eligibility for Expungement

While not all criminal convictions are eligible for expungement in California, many are. Generally, misdemeanor and low-level felony offenses can be expunged, while certain serious felonies, such as sexual offenses or violent crimes, are not eligible. If you have successfully completed probation, paid all fines and restitution, and do not have any pending criminal charges, you may be eligible for expungement. Even if you served time in county jail for the offense you want to expunge, you may still qualify for relief.

The Expungement Process

The expungement process in California can be complex, but with the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney, it can be navigated with ease. It involves filing a petition with the court, serving notice to the prosecutor’s office, and attending a court hearing. Your attorney can guide you through the process and make sure that all necessary documents and deadlines are met.

Benefits of Expungement

The benefits of expungement are manifold. Once your criminal record is expunged, you can legally answer “no” to questions on job applications that ask if you have ever been convicted of a crime. This can open up new employment opportunities and help you provide for yourself and your loved ones. Additionally, expunged records can no longer be used against you in most cases, giving you a newfound sense of freedom and peace of mind.


If you have a criminal record in California, don’t lose hope. Expungement is a viable option that can give you a fresh start and a chance to rebuild your life. Contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to explore your options and determine if you are eligible for expungement. With the right legal representation and a strong commitment to making positive changes in your life, you can put the past behind you and look forward to a brighter future.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation at (818) 650-1744 or by email at We will work tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

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