Grace Legal Group

Workplace Voilence


An employer in California can get a workplace violence restraining order to shield an employee from unfair treatment. The individual the proclamation protects is referred to as the protected party, while the abusive coworker is referred to as the restrained party. In California, a restraining order against workplace violence may be in force for up to three years. A law enforcement agency may arrest a restricted party for breaking Penal Code 273.6 PC if they do so while it is in effect. According to California law, disobeying a restraining order is generally prosecuted as a misdemeanor (as opposed to an infraction or a felony). Penalties for Misdemeanors are as follows:

  • A $1,000 maximum fine,
  • up to one year in county prison. 

Under the California criminal defense authority, the following questions are emphasized:

What is a restraining order against workplace violence?

An employer may apply for a workplace violence restraining order to prevent an employee from facing violence or threats of violence at work in California. If you are being subjected to violence, you might be able to request that your employer apply for a workplace violence restraining order to protect you, or you can think about doing so yourself. The employer requests the charge to defend the worker against:

  • genuine threats of immediate danger
  • assault
  • or abuse at the employer‘s workplace.

Keep in mind that employees cannot ask for this kind of order. Whenever a worker needs protection from a coworker, the worker must request one of the following:

  • a restraining order against civil harassment
  • one against elder or dependent adult abuse
  • and one against domestic violence.

Warrant issued by judges:

The judge may issue a workplace violence restraining order to prohibit the offender from:

  • contact you, any household members, or other staff members;
  • get close to you, your kids, your family, or other employees;
  • come close to the places where you work, go to school, or send your kids to school;
  • and possess a gun 

What is the duration of the order?

A protection order against workplace violence in California may be in effect for three years from the court date or hearing date on which it was granted. However, some orders are only good for a few weeks or even hours. These kinds include, for instance:

  • Emergency protection orders (EPOs)
  • and temporary restraining orders (TROs) 

What happens if someone restrained disobeys the order?

A person who is restricted is guilty of a crime if they disobey a restraining order, so according to California Penal Code 273.6 PC., the prosecution must demonstrate the following:

  • A court legitimately issued a protection order, 
  • And it was known by the defendant,
  • the defendant was capable of being followed, and 
  • was wilfully disobeyed by the accused.

A violation of Penal Code 273.6 is a misdemeanor in most cases and the misdemeanor

punishments are mentioned above.

Can someone under restraint own a gun?

For the duration that the workplace violence restraining order is in force, the restrained persons are prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or owning a handgun. Under California Penal Code 29825 PC, a person who breaches these restrictions may be prosecuted as a felony.

How can I obtain a restraining order against workplace violence?

By appearing in court (often a California Superior Court) and completing the required restraining order documents, a California company may ask for restraining orders against workplace violence. Instead, the paperwork can be filled out by the person’s attorney. Following are the steps for this:

  • The employer must explain its justifications for needing protection from another party when requesting the order. 
  • The party then submits the forms to the court clerk after they are finished. There isn’t any cost for it.
  • After reviewing the paperwork, a judge chooses whether or not to grant a temporary restraining order by the end of the next business day. The temporary order typically lasts for 21 days after it is issued.
  • When the TRO has been issued, the court will hear evidence and decide whether or not to grant a permanent restraining order. A process server must send notice of a court hearing to the party who is being detained before this hearing. 
  • After receiving notice, the detained person may appear at the hearing to challenge the restraining order. The party who is being detained has the chance to defend themselves throughout this process by explaining the claimed harassing or threatening behavior. 
  • If the evidence supports the claim that the protected party is worthy of one. After that, the decree is in force for three years.

Will a background check reveal the existence of a protection order?

A background check often will nor reveal if a restrained party has a restraining order against them. This is so because protection orders are civil rather than criminal. This indicates that the legal processes involving the charges are held in a civil court, not a criminal one. Despite this, some businesses and parties carry out thorough investigations. A restraining order can appear if an entity does a detailed report. After reviewing the paperwork, a judge chooses whether or not to grant a temporary restraining order by the end of the next business day. The interim order typically lasts for 21 days after it is issued.

The Grace Legal Group, Inc. assists clients with Los Angeles, California restraining orders

Our Los Angeles workplace violence restraining order attorneys can assist you in filing for the protection you need so that you may live your life without anxiety. Each client’s case is handled individually by the attorney, who first listens to their side of the story and then represents them in court. Do not go through the difficult and sometimes emotionally draining process of obtaining a restraining order on your own; instead, call our office right now if you are thinking about doing so.


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