California Penal Codes A-Z
- Abandoning An Appliance Without Removing Door
- Abducting a Minor for Prostitution
- Accessory After the Fact
- Administering Drugs to Commit Felony
- Aggravated Mayhem
- Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child
- Aggravated Trespass
- Aggravated Felony Trespass
- Aiding & Abetting
- Air Gauge Knives
- Assisted Suicide
- Ammunition Possession by a Person Prohibited
- Animal Abuse
- Annoying or Molesting a Child under 18
- Annoying Phone Calls
- Appropriation or Theft of Lost Property
- Armor-Piercing Ammunition
- Arson
- Asbestos Work Without Certification
- Assault
- Assault by Means Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury
- Assault on a Police Officer
- Assault on a School Employee
- Assault with Caustic Chemicals
- Assault with a Deadly Weapon
- Assault with a Firearm
- Assault with Intent to Commit a Felony
- Assault with a Stun Gun
- Attack Dogs (Owning)
- Attempted Crimes
- Attempted Murder
- Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter
- Auto Theft with a Prior
- Bad Checks
- Ballistic Knives
- Baton (Possession of)
- Battery
- Battery on a Custodial Officer
- Battery on a Peace Officer
- Battery on a School Employee
- Battery with Serious Bodily Injury
- Belt Buckle Knives (Possession of)
- Bookmaking/Pool-Selling/Wagering
- Brandishing an Imitation Firearm
- Brandishing a Weapon or Firearm
- Brass Knuckles
- Bribery of Legislators or Elected Officials
- Bribery by Legislators or Elected Officials
- Bribery of County Supervisors or Public Corporations
- Bribery of Executive Officers or Public Employees
- Bribery by Executive Officers or Public Employees
- Bribery of Judges or Jurors
- Bribes Taken by Judges or Jurors
- Bribery of Witnesses
- Bribery – Witness Taking a Bribe
- Commercial Bribery
- Bringing Alcohol into a Jail or Prison
- Bringing Contraband into a Jail or Prison
- Bringing Drugs into a Jail or Prison
- Bullets Containing an Explosive Agent
- Bump Stock
- Burglary
- Burglary Tools
- Burglary of a Safe or Vault / Burglary with Explosives
- Cane Swords
- Carjacking
- Carrying a Concealed Weapon
- Carrying a Loaded Firearm
- Castle Doctrine
- Changing a Gun’s Identifying Information
- Child Abduction / Child Stealing
- Child Abuse
- Child Endangerment
- Child Neglect (Failure to Provide Care)
- Child Pornography
- Child Human Trafficking
- Citizen’s Arrests
- Cockfighting
- Communication with an Inmate
- Compounding a Crime
- Concealing an Accidental Death
- Conspiracy
- Contacting a Minor to Commit a Felony
- Contempt of Court
- Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child
- Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
- Counterfeit Items – Possession of
- Counterfeiting Credit Cards
- Creating or Maintaining a Public Nuisance
- Credit Card Theft
- Criminal Profiteering
- Criminal Storage of a Firearm
- Criminal Threats
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