What to Do When Someone Falsely Accuses You of Domestic Violence
Being falsely accused of domestic violence can be a traumatizing experience. Not only can it damage your reputation, but it can also lead to serious legal consequences. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, it is important to take immediate action to protect your rights and defend yourself against the allegations. Here are some steps you can take when you have been falsely accused of domestic violence.
Stay Calm and Gather Evidence
The first step is to stay calm and not react impulsively. It’s important to avoid contact with the accuser and not do anything that could be perceived as retaliatory or violent. Then, gather any evidence that may support your version of events. This can include text messages, social media posts, emails, or photos. You can also collect witness statements from people who can testify to your character and behavior.
Call Grace Legal Group
As soon as you are accused of domestic violence, it is important to consult with an experienced domestic violence defense attorney. At Grace Legal Group, we specialize in Criminal Defense and Restraining Orders. Often times with allegations of domestic violence, criminal charges may be brought against you and the other party may seek a domestic violence restraining order. Our skilled attorneys can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and build a strong defense. We can also advise you on what to do and not to do to avoid any missteps that could harm your case.
Follow Court Orders
If a judge has issued a temporary restraining order, or law enforcement issued an emergency protective order against you, it is important to follow the order. Violating court orders can result in additional legal consequences and make it more difficult to defend yourself against the false allegations. This usually means avoiding and communication with the accuser, whether in person, by phone, or online.
m a mental illness or disability, you may be able to assert the defense of insanity or mental incapacity. To use this defense, the accused must demonstrate that they had a mental illness or defect that prevented them from understanding the nature and consequences of their actions. If successful, this defense could result in a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.
Attend All Court Hearings
If you are charged with domestic violence, it’s essential to attend all court appearances. Failure to appear can result in an arrest warrant being issued and can harm your case, even if you are innocent. It’s also important to arrive on time and dress appropriately for court.

Consult us
Don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation at (818) 650-1744 or by email at info@gracelegalgroup.com. We will work tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.